
Apology to Commenters

By March 10, 2005October 25th, 2018No Comments


I just discovered that my comment spam blocker, MT-Blacklist, has systematically told all commenters “Your comment could not be submitted due to questionable content.” This was because it had been mistakenly set to block comments containing a colon, INCLUDING THE WEBSITE FIELD.

I was wondering why no comments were appearing, when the traffic on this site has been substantial for months. Anyone who commented must have thought, “pretty draconian content restrictions for a pro-civil liberties site.”

So accept my apologies and please, COMMENT if you have something of substance to add. Please keep comments relevant and within the bounds of internetiquette or they’ll be deleted. Repeat offenders will be blocked.

This site with its categories isn’t really a “blog” — the posts are primarily for disseminating information. The “Director’s Blog” is the place where I write from my personal viewpoint. But in the interest of public discourse and with the hope of attracting commenters who will edify what’s posted here, welcome.