Thousands of people in the United States and abroad have expressed support for this young Pakistani, who lived and worked in the U.S. legally until he was taken by the government in the post 9/11 sweeps. But the District Director…
Bush and Rumsfeld painted the U.S. abuse of prisoners in Iraq as the work of a few individuals. So how do you explain this August 1, 2002 memo from Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel for Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel…
Feds Unable to Distinguish Art from BioterrorismGrieving Artist Denied Access to Deceased Wife's BodyDEFENSE FUND ESTABLISHED - HELP URGENTLY NEEDED (more…)
CELEBRATE the RELEASE of FAROUK ABDEL-MUHTI!Saturday, May 22, 2004, 6:30 pm-10 pmAt St. Mary's Episcopal Church521 West 126th Street in Manhattan(take the 1/9 train to 125th Street) (more…)