News Action Alert


By May 20, 2004October 25th, 2018No Comments


Saturday, May 22, 2004, 6:30 pm-10 pm

At St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

521 West 126th Street in Manhattan

(take the 1/9 train to 125th Street)

Saturday, May 22, 2004, 6:30 pm-10 pm

At St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

521 West 126th Street in Manhattan

(take the 1/9 train to 125th Street)

New York-area Palestinian activist Farouk Abdel-Muhti kissed the ground when he arrived at LaGuardia airport on the night of April 12, 2004 after being held in prison for two years by US

immigration authorities. Farouk was not charged with any crime.

The only pretext for holding him was a 1995 order for his deportation–even though the government knew that it was unlikely to succeed in deporting a stateless Palestinian like Farouk.

Farouk was arrested on April 26, 2002, a month after he began volunteering regularly at WBAI-FM, arranging interviews with Palestinian spokespeople at a time when the Israeli military was invading West Bank cities and towns.

During his time in detention, Farouk’s health deteriorated significantly. But his spirit is still strong, and he’s already back in the struggle for justice, arranging more interviews at WBAI and speaking out at events. Join us as we welcome him back!

Homecoming Party/Celebration/Fundraiser with:

SHANE KADIDAL, Center for Constitutional Rights & Farouk’s Legal Team

CHARLOTTE KATES, activist with New Jersey Solidarity

LYNNE STEWART, prominent civil rights attorney

BERNARD WHITE, host of “Wakeup Call” on WBAI-FM

Videos! Music! Middle Eastern Food!

$10 donation requested. (Checks can be made payable to “Nicaragua Solidarity Network,” with “Farouk” in the memo line, and mailed

to the Committee for the Release of Farouk Abdel-Muhti at the address below.)


S?bado 22 de mayo, 2004, 6:30 – 10 pm

en la iglesia “St. Mary’s Episcopal Church”

en 521 de la calle 126 oeste (521 W 126 St) en Manhattan (tren 1/9 a la estacion “125 St”)

Farouk Abdel-Muhti, un activista palestino residente en Nueva York, bes? la tierra cuando lleg? al aeropuerto LaGuardia la noche del 12 de abril, 2004, despu?s de pasar dos a?os

encarcelado por las autoridades de inmigraci?n de Estados Unidos. Farouk no enfrentaba ningun cargo criminal. El ?nico

pretexto para su detenci?n fue un orden de deportaci?n que data de 1995–aunque el gobierno ya sab?a que no pod?a deportar a un

palestino sin pa?s como es Farouk.

Arrestaron a Farouk el 26 de abril, 2002, un mes despu?s de que empez? a trabajar como voluntario en la estaci?n de radio WBAI-

FM, organizando entrevistas con voceros palestinos en un momento en que las fuerzas armadas israelies estaban invadiendo a las

ciudades y pueblos de Cisjordania.

Durante dos a?os de detenci?n, la salud de Farouk deterior? de manera significante. Pero su esp?ritu sigue fuerte, y ya volvi?

a la lucha por la justicia,organizando m?s entrevistas en WBAI y hablando en actas p?blicas. Unase a la bienvenida para Farouk!

Fiesta de bienvenida, celebraci?n y recaudaci?n de fondos con:

SHANE KADIDAL, Center for Constitutional Rights & Equipo Legal de Farouk

CHARLOTTE KATES, activista con New Jersey Solidarity

LYNNE STEWART, conocida abogada de derechos civiles

BERNARD WHITE, presentador, “Wakeup Call,” WBAI-FM

Videos, m?sica, y comida del medio oriente!

Donaci?n sugerida: $10. (Se puede hacer cheques a nombre de “Nicaragua Solidarity Network,” escriba “Farouk” en la linea de

memo, y envie al Comite por la Libertad de Farouk Abdel-Muhti a la direcci?n abajo.)

Committee for the Release of Farouk Abdel-Muhti

PO Box 20587, Tompkins Square Station, New York, NY 10009

Phone: 212-674-9499