News Action Alert

Demand Immediate Release of Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance Activist

By April 15, 2008October 25th, 2018No Comments

Early in the morning of Friday April 11th IDF troops invaded the home of the AbuMaria family and arrested Mousa AbuMaria. Mousa is a well known nonviolent activist and a co-founder of the Palestinian Solidarity Project.

******Please forward widely and act TODAY!**********

Early in the morning of Friday April 11th IDF troops invaded the home of the AbuMaria family and arrested Mousa AbuMaria. Mousa is a well known nonviolent activist and a co-founder of the Palestinian Solidarity Project. He has been a lead organizer in peaceful protest involving hundreds of Israelis and internationals and has been committed to nonviolence for several years.

When Mousa was arrested his family was not told of the reason of his arrest or his whereabouts.

When his lawyer managed to locate him it turned out he was being held in military jail but still no reason for his arrest was given. Only days later was his lawyer finally told that he was suspected of membership in a terrorist organization but when his interrogation did not turn up any evidence the prosecution has admitted that there ‘may’ not be enough evidence to put him on trial.

With no evidence against him and a long history of nonviolent activism Mousa’s family should be celebrating his impending release. However, the Israeli military court system that presides over Palestinians in the Occupied Territories does not work that way and the prosecution has said they are considering putting Mousa in Administrative Detention, in which he has no right to trial. For Palestinians, when there is no evidence for a trial, they are simply jailed without one. The decision on whether Mousa will be placed in Administrative Detention will most likely be made TOMORROW.

ACT NOW to support Mousa.

Register your outrage to imprisonment without trial. Please write to the Chief Military Attorney,

Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit , and demand that Mousa AbuMaria be released immediately.

Below is a suggested draft of a letter addressed to the Chief Military Attorney. Your own version should be emailed from gmail, yahoo hotmail or riseup to:

This will then be faxed to the Chief Military Attorney’s office. Please cc PSP so we can keep track of the letters of support:

Those who have a fax machine or do not have an email account at either gmail, yahoo, hotmail or riseup can fax the Chief Military Attorney’s office directly at

972 3 608 0366

Sample letter:


Chief Military Attorney

6 David Elazar Street

Tel Aviv

Military postal code 9605,IDF

Fax: +972 3 608 0366

Monday 14th April, 2008

F.A.O: Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit,

I am writing with regards to the arrest of Mousa AbuMaria on Friday 11th April, 2008 in the village of Beit Ommar, West Bank, Occupied Territories. His lawyers have informed the international community of the conditions surrounding his arrest and said that although there is currently not enough evidence to put him on trial, he may soon be placed in administrative detention.

I would like to highlight my concerns and call on you, the Chief Military Attorney of Israel, to ensure that Mousa is not administratively detained without charge or trial.

Mousa has for many years been a lead organizer in peaceful, non violent protest and worked alongside hundredss of international and Israelis activists in resisting the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. He is well known as a passionate advocate of non violent resistance and has many Israeli friends who can vouch for his peaceful political commitments and his character.

I, the undersigned, would like to see this issue addressed through the appropriate channels and ensure that he is released immediately.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

(Insert name)