Videos in Action

From Internment to Action: #NeverAgainIsNow

Japanese Americans channel their legacy of internment into solidarity with immigrants facing hostile and destructive government policies. As government once again acts in thrall to white supremacists, former incarcerees and their descendants rise up to declare #NeverAgainIsNow.


Japanese American activist movement surges at 2018 internment pilgrimages

Japanese Americans making pilgrimages to Tule Lake, Minidoka, Manzanar, and Heart Mountain spoke with the same voice of dissent. Their condemnation of family separation policies rang out through social media and major news organizations picked up the story. NBC Asian America featured the pilgrimages, and Washington Post sent Op-Ed producer Kate Woodsome and hired director Konrad Aderer to shoot at Tule Lake.

Asian Americans say vote “for the soul of our country”

Young Asian American leaders call on their peers to turn out for #MidTerms2018. Sharing history with #immigrant families being separated demands it: “It’s already happened to us.”

Life or Liberty took part in that effort, drawing thousands of engagements with this video, posted to Facebook and Twitter.